Tuesday, October 14, 2008


  This is Froyd, he like flowerz, and children....fo' breakfast:)
Drawn on paper, and painted in photoshop.  Trying to go for
a hybrid of digital and traditional here, hence the 'sketchbook' look.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

another idea

Heres an opening panel for another idea I have for a short story. Colors are still being worked out.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Jennie Hoffer

Hello! I'm happy and humbled to be a part of this little project :) Thank you for including me! I'm a L.A. native, and I'm currently working in Character Layout on The Simpsons. In my free time, I draw pictures of cats. Here is an older drawing, inspired by weather much cooler than what we're currently experiencing here in Burbank.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Paul Wee

HI everyone! I'm Paul Wee. I'm excited to get together with my friends and produce a book of our personal stuff. Too often, our jobs take us far from our personal creative pursuits, such is the realities of a life in the animation industry. We want to take this opportunity to publish this book of our OWN stuff, and I think it's necessary to light a fire under our collective asses! That said, here's a post of a memory sketch in our weekly field sketching lunches. I'm really into field sketching lately, and I'm having a blast! If you want to see more of my stuff, check out my own blog 

Monday, September 1, 2008

Adriana M Galvez: intro and sketch

I am really excited about being included with all these very talented friends, in the Red Eye book project. I am really looking forward to seeing everybody's ideas and works for the final book. This piece is a past sketchbook drawing, a sample of one of my favorite interests, that being anything from paradise! It was done in my backyard and finished in the evening by headlamp! I will update periodically as I begin to work on images specifically for the book, which will be different from this sketch.

I was asked to say a few words about myself;
I grew up in the foggy central coast of California, the birth of East of Eden and Tortilla Flats. Always wanted to work in animation since I was a young Galvezita. I presently work on "King of the Hill" in Background color. Also for my personal amusement, I have been dabbling in Tiki/Halloween art for a few years.

Nancy Kruse : Chompy Gator

This is just a doodle for a story I'm working on about a little girl who thinks she's an alligator.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Ben Lane: Welcome to Red Eye!

Thank you for the invite, I'm really looking forward to watching this blog grow. I'm especially excited for the collaborative book!

For my entry, I'm thinking of using an existing piece entitled, 'par'. I thought it would be cool to design the panels to span across two pages. The sample here is the first three of nine panels. I'll probably go in and refine it a bit so let me know what you all think.

woo hoo!

cuz'n bne

Sunday, August 3, 2008

There is never enough time to do all the art you want.
As an artist with a day job, (Director on The Simpsons) the only time I find to work on my own art is between midnight and four AM. At this years Comic-Con I commiserated with a lot of other artists who were having the same problem. Great day jobs.......no free time.

We decided to form a group and inspire each other to find time to work on our own art and publish a book by the end of the year. 

I did the drawing on the left at the Dr. Sketchy's event at Comic-Con. 

                                                                      Nancy Kruse